Author : | Danny C Santucci, JD |
Course Length : | Pages: 28 ||| Word Count: 14,746 ||| Review Questions: 10 ||| Final Exam Questions: 10 |
CPE Credits : | 2.0 |
IRS Credits : | 2 |
Price : | $17.95 |
Passing Score : | 70% |
Course Type: | NASBA QAS - Text - NASBA Registry - IRS Enrolled Agents |
Technical Designation: | Technical |
Primary Subject-Field Of Study: | Taxes - Taxes for Course Id 246 |
Description : | Estate planning is when tomorrow becomes today! As a result of recent legislation, estate planning has been made surprisingly simple. This mini-course surveys wills, living trusts, gifts, insurance, marital property, and probate avoidance. The will and trust forms are explored along with living wills, durable powers of attorney, and nominations of conservator. |
Usage Rank : | 20357 |
Release : | 2024 |
Version : | 1.0 |
Prerequisites : | General understanding of federal income taxation. |
Experience Level : | Overview |
Additional Contents : | Complete, no additional material needed |
Additional Links : |
What Is Estate Planning?
Advance Preparation : | None. |
Delivery Method : | QAS Self Study |
Intended Participants : | Anyone needing Continuing Professional Education (CPE). |
Revision Date : | 07-Jun-2024 |
NASBA Course Declaration : | Participants must complete the final examination within one year of purchase and with a minimum passing grade of 70% or better to receive CPE credit unless otherwise noted on the Course History page (i.e. California Ethics must score 90% or better). After logging in click on the Course History links on your My Courses page for the Begin date and Expire date for the Final Exam. |
Approved Audience : | NASBA QAS - Text - NASBA Registry - IRS Enrolled Agents - 246 |
Keywords : | Taxes, Estate, Planning, Mini, Course, cpe, cpa, online course |
Learning Objectives : |
As a result of studying the assigned materials, you should be able to meet the objectives listed below. ASSIGNMENT
* Unlimited marital deduction & applicable exclusion amount * Primary dispositive plans * Trusts * Annual gift tax exclusion * Annuities & installment sales to family members * Charitable remainder trusts * Family limited partnerships * Buy-sell agreements * Family documents
2. Determine the limits of a simple will and the advantages and disadvantages of living trusts. 3. Identify specialized estate planning tools and how they permit clients to pass more wealth and save death taxes, cite the uses of a durable power of attorney, and specify instances when a conservatorship is appropriate. |
Course Contents : | Chapter 1 - Estate Planning Introduction Estate Planning Team Attorney Accountant Insurance Agents Financial Planner Estate Administration Probate Court Executor Internal Revenue Service Trustee Changing Legislative Landscape & History Unlimited Marital Deduction Outright To Spouse Marital Deduction Trust Qualified Terminable Interest Property Trust Applicable Exclusion (or Exemption) Amount Spousal Portability of Unused Exemption Amount - §2010(c)(2) Stepped-up Basis Basic Estate Planning Goals Primary Dispositive Plans Simple Will Danger for Larger Estates Probate Transfers within Probate Disposition of Property without a Will Transfers outside Probate Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship Tenancy in Common Retirement Plan & Individual Retirement Accounts Life Insurance Gifts Payable on Death Accounts (POD) Transfers Using a Trust Trusts Types of Trusts Living Trusts Testamentary Trusts Revocable & Irrevocable Living “A-B” Revocable Trust Living “A-B-C” (QTIP) Trust Impact of Spousal Portability on Trust B under TUIRJCA Special Planning Tools Spending Annual Gift Tax Exclusion Per Donee/Per Year Gifts in Excess of the Annual Exclusion No Gift Tax Gifts within 3 Years of Death - §2035(a) Uniform Gifts to Minors Act Exception for Minor’s Trusts - §2503(b) & (c) Medical & Tuition Exclusion - §2503(e) Qualifying Transfers Installment Payment of Estate Taxes - §6166 Computation - §6601(j) Eligibility & Court Supervision Closely Held Business Acceleration of Payment Annuities Deferred Annuity Private Annuity Unsecured Promise Installment Sale to Family Member Self-Canceling Installment Notes Minor Trusts Charitable Remainder Trusts Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust Cumulative Annuity 50% & 10% Annuity Restrictions - §664(d) Pooled Income Fund Charitable Remainder Unitrust Charitable Lead Trust Grantor Retained Income Trusts Qualified Personal Residence Trusts (QPRTs) Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) Grantor Retained Unitrusts (GRUTs) Insurance Trusts Family Limited Partnerships Estate Savings Income Tax Savings Family Partnership Requirements Recognizing a Partner Control Transferability Donee as a Partner Minor as a Partner Purchased Interests Capital Interest in the Partnership Capital as a Material Income Producing Item Buy-Sell Agreements Definition Contractual Format Funding Life Insurance Funding Purchase Price & Terms Valuation Estate Tax Valuation Using the Buy-Sell Agreement to Set Value Family Documents Living Will Property Agreement & Inventory Durable Power Of Attorney Power of Attorney for Health Care Conservatorship Types Funeral Arrangements Anatomical Gifts Glossary |